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ED Treatment And Male Enhancement

Proudly Serving Lynnfield, Woburn, Wakefield, MA & The Greater Boston Area

For Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie's Disease, and Male Enhancement

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED), the inability to achieve an erection strong enough for sex, is quite common. Most men will experience an occasional episode of ED at some point, but when it becomes the norm, then it is a health problem and should be taken seriously.

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How Common Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Studies show persistent ED affects up to 40% of men over 40, and about 70% by age 70. The cause may be vascular (plaque buildup in arteries), often associated with diabetes or coronary artery disease, neurologic (prostate surgery or penis injury damaging the nerves), hormonal (low testosterone and other hormonal imbalances), drug side effects, or even psychological (performance anxiety or other emotional disturbance).

Regardless of the cause, this is a very distressing condition, causing a man to question his masculinity and affecting his intimate relationships.

What is the P-Shot®?

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The P-Shot is a trademarked procedure done by certified physicians to rejuvenate the penis, improving erections, sensitivity, and even increasing penis size (average increase of 7mm length and girth after 1 treatment). The procedure involves producing Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) from a sample of your blood and injecting this PRP serum into the penis at several specific areas. The PRP contains many growth factors which activate stem cells in the penis, which then repair old and damaged blood vessels and nerves, thus improving erections and improving penis sensitivity during sex.  Bocox is simply the addition of Botox medication to the P-Shot PRP injections.

P-Shot and Bocox Vs. Oral Medication

Frequently, a man will be treated with oral medications such as Viagra or Cialis, but these are not always effective, have side effects such as acid reflux, nasal congestion, headaches, interact with other drugs and alcohol, have to be taken in advance of sexual activity, and they don’t always work.

If these drugs are ineffective, a man may be prescribed drugs to be injected into the penis (Tri-mix). These injections are uncomfortable, inconvenient, and can lead to scar tissue buildup in the penis. Eventually, they may stop working as well. As an alternative to these treatments, we offer the P-Shot and Bocox™ to the Lynnfield & greater Boston, MA areas.

What People Say About Us!

"Dr. Kaye is a professional who is truly invested in my wellness. His office staff is efficient and friendly. I highly recommend his services and expert advice."

- L.P.

Click here to read more reviews.

Who Is A Candidate For The P-Shot or Bocox?

The P-Shot and Bocox are ideal for men with any stage of ED (Erectile Dysfunction), and can be combined with oral medications and the sound-wave treatment commonly called Gainswave™ or ED Shockwave Therapy

The P-Shot is also quite effective for treating Peyronie’s Disease-a scarring of the penis that causes the penis to deform; We recommend ED Shockwave Therapy be combined with the P-Shot for Peyronie’s.

Q: What is Bocox?
A: Botox™ injected into your penis to fix your ED…Yes, this really works…

4 medical studies, referenced below, prove that this technique really works, even in men who failed to benefit from Viagra and Cialis! The patients studied were typical of men with severe ED and were not getting good results from oral ED medication; The men in the study had the usual medical issues seen in men with ED (high blood pressure, overweight, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) and yet the majority still had significant benefit and were able to have hard enough erections for sex. In addition, their penis length and size increased! Bocox™ works by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis, allowing more blood to enter, making it easier to achieve an erection and stimulating growth. Because of the increased blood flow, Botox™ also appears to help repair the damaged penis blood vessels as does PRP, so combining the two makes sense. We offer Botox injected into the penis by itself or combined with PRP as the  P-Shot. The P-Shot alone has about a 70% response rate, so this new technique is synergistic with the P-Shot™, in other words, it should deliver even better results when combined with PRP.



Does The P-Shot or Bocox Hurt?

The procedure is virtually painless as we use a skin numbing gel before the procedure and use targeted local anesthetic injections to numb the penis before performing the procedure.  We offer nitrous oxide sedation if needed.

When Can I Expect to See Results From The P-Shot and Bocox?

For the P-Shot, maximal results are seen 6-8 weeks after the procedure although patients often report improved erections almost immediately afterwards.  Bocox starts working within 4 weeks and continues to work for up to 6 months.

How Long Do Results From The P-Shot and Bocox Last?

The results are long-lasting; repeat treatments can be done as desired, as often as every 8 weeks for the P-Shot and every 3-6 months for Bocox.

For a first-hand account of the P-Shot in Mens Health, by Ben Greenfield, please click here. For an account of the P-Shot increasing penis size in a wounded veteran, please click here.

For a review of the Bocox Procedure in the news, please click here.

Testosterone Therapy

Optimizing your testosterone levels is crucial for treatment of ED symptoms.  We will thoroughly test you with blood work and a detailed physical exam to determine your levels of total, free, and bioavailable testosterone as well as estrogens that can cause ED symptoms.  Then, we can optimize all your hormone levels to help fix your ED symptoms as well as improve your mood, energy, drive, physical fitness, and libido.  To learn more, click here:  Testosterone Therapy.

What Other Erectile Dysfuction Treatments Are Available?

Erectile Dysfunction Implant In Boston, MA

Finally, a man may be advised to have a penile implant inserted. In this surgery, the penis is cut open and the internal parts are removed and replaced with silicone balloons that must be inflated with a pump to have sex.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Contact Us.

Interested in learning more about Erectile Dysfunction treatment options in Lynnfield, MA or the greater Boston, MA area? Call Dr. Joseph Kaye at 781-933-4200 to schedule your consultation today!

P-Shot and Bocox for Erectile Dysfunction & Peyronie’s References

For a review of the new Bocox™ Procedure in the news, please click here.

For a first-hand account of the P-Shot in Mens Health, also by Ben Greenfield, please click here.

For an account of the P-Shot increasing penis size in a wounded veteran, please click here.

For more information on the Bocox Procedure, click here.

Location Map: 210 Broadway Lynnfield, MA 01940

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